Cues and Cubits as Keys to Education, Training, Discovery, Innovation

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Cues and Cubits as Keys To Education, Training, Discovery, Innovation Version 1.0 30.May.2018

Mirnova Institute for Creative and Innovative Science

As a civilization, we have developed much in the four domains of education, training (applying the education and knowledge to specific tasks), discovery (across the S.T.E.A.M. domains and fields of all arts, humanities and sciences), and innovation (again, within all the arts, humanities and sciences).

However, in our time and at an accelerating pace, we find our civilization at deep risk of losing many of our gains and achievements, through a variety of conditions that can be described variously as atrophy, disinformation, loss of critical thinking and functional literacy, and truthfulness in the management and delivery of information. MIRNOVA has developed several techniques that can not only assist in reversing these trends but also serve to provide a type of combined immunization and accelerated recovery for our society in these regards. Moreover, these techniques, skill sets, and tools are of proven value in doing what we humans thrive and excel upon doing in our lives, in our society, in our world – exploring, discovering, inventing, innovating, synthesizing, and creating things that are New, Beautiful, and Good for our World.

Clearly, we humans have not always used our S.T.E.A.M. talents for healthy and non-destructive purposes. This is an area that MIRNOVA aspires and commits to address in the use of what we make and do. Progressively, step by step, we all can make this a healthier and more wholesome world for all diversities, inclinations, temperaments and species types.

Cues, and more extensively cubits, offer a power way to use the internet and web and not only regain but excel and achieve more in Education, in Training, in Discovery, in Innovation. Here within ten concise points, we state how this is so and what we are doing. Here we present the main rational and advantages for how Knowledge Construct Sets and Kits can assist us all in developing urgently-needed and long-term-necessary

Integrative Solutions for Critical Global Socioeconomic Challenges Such challenges comprise Extreme Complex Systems, Catastrophic Threats and Civilization Impacts in areas including Agriculture, Education, Energy, Environment, Mass Communications, Population, Public Health, Space, Water and Wealth Management.

§1 Cubits are Knowledge Constructors with Intelligent Agents Textbooks have historically been passive – they have content, with words, with graphics, and now in our time with interactive digital media. There are often special sections for emphasis and deeper analysis, examples, and problem-solving.

Cubits have an informational structure that is designed to assist in the process of knowledge Acquisition, Cognition, Utilization, and Dissemination.

Here is the basic schematic structure of cubits, with attention directed to the simple form of Cues: (cubit /* knowledge constructor component */ (cubit-simplex /* cubit-σ --- cubit-simplex; fundamental, unitary cubit logic element */ (monad /* elementary process unit – computational and (optional) physical components */ (polymon /* monad that contains information which can be interpreted as both (either/or, and/or) data and code (program, instruction) – this is the most complex type of monad. Components: content (thema, preface, body) and meta-content (history, comment, use, geometry) in the format of an s-expression: ( thema (preface) (body) (meta-content) ) */ /* … there may be sub-classes within class “polymon” */ ) /* polymon */ (monomon /* monad with rich data but no code, consisting of structured blocks of text (abstracts, quotes), graphics, audio-video media, URLs, and simplified, well-contained multimedia dynamics such as script-driven animations, all of which are contained within a cubit preface only; also known as a “cue” type of cubit */ Components: thema, preface-only (body = NIL, meta-content = NIL) in an s-expression format: ( thema (preface) ) */ /* … there may be sub-classes within class “monomon” */ ) /* monomon, a.k.a. “cue” */ (logon /* monad with data or code in the form of an s-expression */ Components: ( variable contents ): (s-expression) */ ) /* logon */ ) /* monad */

(binar /* elementary agent unit – (Biological-like Intelligent Neural Adaptive Recognizer) – computational and physical components, both data and code */ /* binars each contain one or more polymon-class monads in a network structure comprising additional data and code contained within one or more logons */ (humint /* a human-linked agent, a cubit associated with a human user who is operating through some type of interactive device such as a phone or computer */ ) (syint /* a synthetic-intelligence agent, implemented in software and optionally in specialized hardware, and in theory designed and engineered by either a human or other syint(s) */ (cybot /* generic, limited-autonomy, limited-modifiability syint type of binar – computational element (analogous in some respects to “bots”) */ ) /* cybot */ (mentat /* self-organizing and semi-autonomous binar – computational element with greater complexity than a regular cybot (analogous in some respects to “bot masters” - subtypes include same classification order as cybots (family) */ ) /* mentat */ (kyborg /* type of syint binar specifically dedicated to KYBEROS-type hyper-encryption and hyper-security tasks */ ) (soph /* higher-complexity, higher-autonomy syint binar – essentially an assessor, evaluator, and coordinator of mentats and cybots and elemental binars – subtypes include the same classification order as with cybots and mentats */ ) ) /* syint*/ ) /* binar */ ) /* cubit-σ aka cubit-simplex */ ) /* cubit */

One of the dimportant distinguishing factors about cubits is the employment of customized synthetic intelligent agents (syints). But also the basic simplicity of cubit and specifically cue structures, content, and the methodology in which they are used, is what sets cubits apart from all previous other knowledge-building and knowledge-assistance systems.

§2 The first Cubits are Cues. They are simpler, basic, and designed to LEAD users INTO the explorative, discovery-making process. To learn how to learn better. To learn how to think more critically, more analytically, yes, but also more synthetically – to perform synthesis as well as analysis. The first Cues reflect the nature of the Ten Critical challenges that face our society, our civilization, and which we must address and solve better than ever before, and much better than we have been doing over the past few decades.

The Ten Critical Challenges – and the Cues that focus upon them - are:

 Agriculture (smart farming, optimization of resources, food production)  Education (digital divide, functional illiteracy, critical thinking, STEM, STEAM) 4  Energy (sources, production, management, distribution, waste)  Environment (climate, weather, resources, species)  Mass Communications (internet, media, disinformation, misinformation, memes, social networks)  Population (overpopulation, major demographic and economic divisions and inbalances)  Public Health (infectious and non-infectious diseases, nutrition, new and migrating biothreat species)  Space (asteroids and impact events, exploration and industrialization)  Water (drinking, irrigation, general use)  Wealth Management (personal, community, corporate, financial transactions, cybercrime)

§3 Cues are being introduced to a wide variety of people in a diversity of use-case contexts. We begin with the very practical, down-to-earth (literally) area of Agriculture. Raising, making, producing Foods. Doing it more intelligently – both with new technologies, and with well-established, human-centric means. This is where and why we begin our Cues not only on very advanced and theoretical topics such as “quantum computing” and other “quantum” scale technologies, but with Smart Farming.

EcoVita is a comprehensive suite of technologies including modular devices and software applications that comprise functional networks used in both education and in operational settings. There are three product components, and each of these has a matching educational component:

AgroIntel (smart farming) AgroBrains (education: children, adults, employees, professionals) IntelErgy (smart energy) ErgoBrains (education...) IntelEco (smart environment) EcoBrains (education...)

We begin our work with Cues in Agriculture, and thus, the AgroBrains Program of Learning.

We show people how to do things in new ways that help them to think and interact with one another, even over great distances, to deepen their knowledge and not only their “book knowledge” but their “hands-on” skills, trades, crafts, and artisanship. We work with people, from middle-school level children to young adults who are just entering the workforce, perhaps as new immigrants in countries where they are thinking at first that only menial and low-level jobs may be available (but where in fact “smart farming” as one example offers much more in all respects of vocation and employment), to professionals and STEM experts who want to learn new techniques, including new ways of teaching and transferring their knowledge, their expertise, to others.

Cues, and all of cubits are about Knowledge Engineering, but very much including the human element – You and I and Us – along with the sophisticated, exotic, and arcane STEM knowledge.

§4 Cues and cubits in general can be considered in the manner illustrated by this figure: (see the full paper - URL reference at the bottom here - for the figures)

§5 Cues are processed in this general manner: (see the full paper - URL reference at the bottom here - for the figures)

§6 Within CUBIT applications, available on ordinary consumer media devices, cues and cubits can visually operate in many ways, of which two simple illustrations are provided here: (see the full paper - URL reference at the bottom here - for the figures)

§7 The role of the fine arts, and especially the visual arts and media, is of fundamental importance for EcoVita and it will be emphasized consistently through all program offerings. This is a major area of attention and Mirnova will employ the Cue technology, and the Ars Bio project concepts. The following figure provides yet another illustration:

§8 There is a natural and direct link between EcoVita project activity and public health. AgroBrains and the Cues we employ now as an educational program includes community-enabling methods to disseminate self-care and public awareness with regard to all aspects of health management. This is an essential part of not only our initial focal cultural-geographic region of Africa but also for the world's best defense against severe epidemics and pandemics and the crises they create.

§9 “Open-source” must be combined with “open-use” or “open-destination” for all cues and cubits, and this must be executed in ways that adequately reward and compensate discoverers, inventors, makers, and disseminators (including marketers). This includes the new inventors, innovators and entrepreneurs among EcoVita users, throughout rural Africa and other locations. There needs to be a new model, a truly new “paradigm,” for intellectual property, transcending old-era “patent” thinking.

§10 The LIBRARIUM Project is an important way that cues and many other more complex cubits can and will be employed. The LIBRARIUM is not limited to EcoVita themes and subjects, but it begins with these. A central facet of the entire LIBRARIUM is the accumulation and organizing, preservation and conservation, and sustainable innovation for technologies, methods, protocols and skill-sets pertaining to critical technologies. It begins with intelligent agriculture, energy and environment, namely, EcoVita.

§11 As the collective population and combined networks of CUBIT grow and proliferate in use, functioning globally, uniting schools, businesses, universities, public agencies and most of all, consumers as individuals and collective entities alike, it becomes increasingly a major self-organizing, self-enhancing, autonomously-evolving knowledge resource for global users beyond the specific application areas.

The computational, informational and physical science technologies comprising GCM (Generalized Computing Machine), SELDON (Prediction Engine), CUBIT (synthetic intelligent agents and networks), and application-products extending from these, will be optimally developed, through the entire research lifecycle, by close and direct engagement with everything constituting and involving CUBIT. This will pave the way for direct applications to other fields beyond the starting sphere of agriculture, which constitute other Critical Challenge Areas, such as those listed above in §2. Paramount among these are the needs to address potentially catastrophic impact events from climate change and asteroid collisions, and to address needs for new forms of renewable energy production both on Earth and in Space. Beginning with agriculture and food production provides the best type of deep and extreme complex problem (XCS) with which to use as model, experimental and testing platform, and validation for such new technologies. It is essential that the global population begins to understand these Critical Challenges better, and also, the scope, potential, and the limitations and constraints, of all the STEM that is being offered today and henceforth, either for general-use, profitable-business, or (literally) saving the planet and the human race. §12 Open and fluent communication with a wide variety of professionals is essential and for this reason there is being established an annual symposium and conference.

The Mirnova Symposium on Integrative Solutions for Critical Global Socioeconomic Challenges (MSIS) will include an annual symposium for people to meet and learn about using cubits, as participants, activists and sponsors. In combination with each Symposium there will be a conference enabling many other workers and developers, including members of the research community, to gather together and share discoveries, results, and collaborations. The Symposium and Conference will be held annually, each year on a different continent. The first location, for late 2018 or early 2019, will be in Morocco.

Further information on all of the Mirnova organizational entities, programs and projects can be found at:


Cues and cubits, for Science and STEM Communications, is produced and led by the creative partnership of MIRNOVA Academy and Candeed Cue, and the operations are based in Vienna, Austria and Moscow, Russia. MIRNOVA +7 (925) 161-6713 (M. J. Dudziak) +7 (926) 454-2725 (M. V. Tsepeleva) +1 (505) 926-1399 (messaging)