The Doctors Orchestra "Ermil Nichifor" (Bucharest, Romania)

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The Romanian Doctors Orchestra "Ermil Nichifor" (DOEN) (one of the first of its kind in Europe) was founded in autumn 1954 (in Bucharest, Romania) by the prominent Romanian nephrologist and musician dr. Ermil Nichifor (1916-1997) (URL2).

From 2004 until present, a part of DOEN members also became founding members of the European Doctors Orchestra (EDO) (based in London, UK) (Facebook page): these members had concerts with EDO in UK, Hungary, Germany, Italy and Romania.

DOEN is currently conducted by the Romanian conductor and pianist Iosif Ion Prunner (URL1, URL2, URL3, URL4). The present concertmaster of DOEN is the Romanian nephrologist (PhD and full professor at UMFCD and manager of Nephrology Clinical Hospital <<Carol Davila>> Bucharest Romania) and violinist dr. Mircea Nicolae Penescu (URL1)

Each year from 1954 (the year of its foundation) until the present, DOEN sustains periodical concerts (with an average of 4 to 8 concerts per year), mainly on the stage of the Romanian Athenaeum (Wiki-URL-Romanian). See also this info source URL.

It is also worth mentioning the existence of World Doctors Orchestra (WDO), an orchestra made up entirely of physicians (representing almost 50 countries worldwide), which was established as a non-profit organization in 2007 by Prof. Stefan Willich at the Charité University Medical Center in Berlin (Germany), with the purpose of combining music with global medical responsibility. WDO has about 2-3 concerts per year in various countries around the globe donating the concert proceeds to medical aid organizations (usually from those countries).

Beginnings and evolution[edit]

DOEN (one of the first of its kind in Europe) was founded in autumn 1954 (in Bucharest, Romania) by the prominent Romanian nephrologist and musician dr. Ermil Nichifor (1916-1997) (who then was DOEN's conductor from 1965). the father of the well-known Romanian composer, cellist, theologist and music professor Șerban Nichifor (Wiki-URL-Romanian) (born in 1954, OCB and PhD associate professor from 1996 until present at The National University of Music Bucharest (UNMB), at the Musical Interpretation Faculty, the Department of Chamber Music and Orchestral ensembles; with IMSLP entry) AND the father-in-law of the prominent Romanian composer and pianist (former PhD full Professor at UNMB) (1947-2011) Liana Alexandra (Wiki-URL-Romanian, with IMSLP entry).

dr. Ermil Nichifor attended private musical courses in Bucharest, with the Romanian composer Paul Constantinescu (history of music and aesthetics), the Romanian composer Alexandru Velehorschi (counterpoint), the Romanian composer Walter Mihai Klepper (harmony), the Romanian conductor (co-founder of DOEN and DOEN's first conductor until 1963) Mircea Cristescu (orchestral conducting) and Andrei Stepanov ( percussion]).

dr. Ermil Nichifor initially activated in DOEN as a timpanist between 1954-1963) and then as conductor of DOEN between 1964-1994. In 1965, dr. Ermil Nichifor also published at ""Editura Muzicală" (with the Romanian infectionist dr. Constantin Bocârnea, as co-author) the book "Medicina și Muzica" ("Medicine and music") (URL1, URL2), which is the first interdisciplinary scientific study on the profound connections between medicine and music ever published in Romanian language (also republished in 1999, as a [second edition).

From 2004 until present, a part of DOEN members also became founding members of the European Doctors Orchestra (EDO) (based in London, UK) (Facebook page): these members had concerts with EDO in UK, Hungary, Germany, Italy and Romania (See a list of EDO concerts, including the concert in Bucharest, Romania in 2005, at this URL; see also a list of past EDO concert movies, including the concert in Bucharest, Romania in 2005, at this URL).

DOEN is currently conducted by the Romanian conductor and pianist Iosif Ion Prunner (URL1, URL2, URL3, URL4). The present concertmaster of DOEN is the Romanian nephrologist (PhD and full professor at UMFCD and manager of Nephrology Clinical Hospital <<Carol Davila>> Bucharest Romania) and violinist dr. Mircea Nicolae Penescu (URL1)

Each year from 1954 (the year of its foundation) until the present, DOEN sustains periodical concerts (with an average of 4 to 8 concerts per year), mainly on the stage of the Romanian Athenaeum (Wiki-URL-Romanian). See also this info source URL.

The Medicine and Music Foundation (MMF)[edit]

The "Medicine and Music" Foundation (MMF) was established in 1997 (in the year of dr. Ermil Nichifor's death) (the year in which DOEN gained its last half-name "Ermil Nichifor"): the honorary president of FMM was Dr. Ermil Nichifor in person (who was still alive when FMM was founded); Initially FMM had 2 co-chairmans: Prof. dr. Călin Giurcăneanu (a renowned Romanian dermatologist) and prof. dr. Mircea Nicolae Penescu (who is the concertmaster of DOEN), the letter keping this position until today. URL. MMF coordinates the entire DOEN activity and has also established collaborations with other Romanian foundations, like the Golescu Foundation for example. Other technical details of MMF can be accessed at these URLs: URL1, URL2.

DOEN Activity[edit]

A list of DOEN recordings available on Youtube and other websites (in descending chronological order):


  1. (September 2018) Foto, Video: Medicina și Muzica și-au dat mâna la Reghin; see also Jurnal ARDEAL TV – 25 septembrie
  2. (May 2018) fragment din concert.valurile dunãrii -iosif ivanovici.orchestra simfonicã a medicilor. 16.05.2018


  1. (October 2017) Enescu-Rapsodia a II-a Orchestra Medicilor Dr.Ermil Nichifor
  2. (June 2017) Ruben la 9 ani la Ateneul Român


  1. (2016) Sci+Fi Fest 2016 - Concert extraordinar ORCHESTRA MEDICILOR
  2. (2016) Concert excepţional cu Orchestra Medicilor din Bucureşti, la Alba Iulia URL2


  1. (April 2015) Andrei-Lucian Dragoi - Via Crucis - lucrare orchestrala - CONCERT ATENEU Orchestra medicilor; URL2


  1. (2014) JOHANN STRAUSS - KAISER WALZER - Orchestra Medicilor


  1. (December 2013) VIVALDI - IARNA - EUGEN SARBU; URL2
  2. (December 2013) MOZART - Rondo K.382 - CARMINA SARBU
  3. (December 2013) JOHANN STRAUSS - arie din opereta LILIACUL - IRINA BAIANT
  4. (December 2013) RUSSELL - SUITA DE CRACIUN - Orchestra Medicilor & BUCHAREST SINGERS; URL2
  5. (December 2013) JOHANN STRAUSS - RADETZKY MARCH - Orchestra Medicilor
  6. (December 2013) JOHANN STRAUSS - DUNAREA ALBASTRA - Orchestra Medicilor
  7. (December 2013) VERDI - Uvertura la opera FORTA DESTINULUI, Orchestra Medicilor
  8. (December 2013) JOHANN STRAUSS - polca TRISCH-TRASCH - Orchestra Medicilor
  9. (December 2013) Concertul Orchestrei Medicilor si Corul Vox Medicalis - Ateneul Roman - 27/12/2012; URL2

A list of other YouTube movies related to DOEN (in descending chronological order):

  1. (2016) Un medic militar în Orchestra Mondială a Medicilor

For other DOEN YouTube recordings see URL-YouTube DOEN search results

Online photographic albums of DOEN concerts signed by the Romanian photographer Romică Zaharia (alias "Roza Zah") can be found on Facebook, at these URLs (listed in descending chronological order):

  1. Concert simfonic susținut de Orchestra Medicilor din București on 25.09.2018 ; URL2
  2. Orch.Medicilor "Ermil Nichifor" - Concert Aniversar "Ana Aslan" - 22.05.2018
  3. Concert extraordinar al Orchestrei Medicilor „Dr. Ermil Nichifor" - 16.05.2018 URL2
  4. At The Romanian Athenaeum = Concertul Orchestrei Medicilor - 27.12.2017; URL2
  5. Orchestra Medicilor "Ermir Nichifor" @ Romanian Athenaeum
  6. "Dr. Ermil Nichifor" @ The 24th Annual Meeting of the ESA The 24th Annual Meeting of the European Surgical Association - 6.05.2018
  8. Concertul Orchestrei Medicilor Marți 19 Mai 2015 ora19 - 19.05.2015



  1. Iosif Ion Prunner. Trei generații la Ateneul Român (Google Book)
  2. Concert pentru copiii cu autism; URL2
  3. Concert Festiv de Craciun si Anul Nou - Orchestra Medicilor Dr. Ermil Nichifor
  5. Medic și muzician, Mircea Penescu va fi invitat marți la Round Table București
  6. Concert extraordinar Orchestra Medicilor Dr. Ermil Nichifor de Ziua Mondială a Sănătății, 7 aprilie 2014
  7. Lecţia de medicină – Prof. Univ. Dr. Mircea Penescu
  8. Prof. dr. Mircea Penescu: “Mi-am urmat menirea”
  9. Astăzi e ziua ta, prof. dr. Mircea Penescu


  1. EDO official website
  2. Br J Gen Pract. 2005 Sep 1; 55(518): 726. PMCID: PMC1464063 European Doctors Orchestra
  3. La musica che ci unisce - European Doctors Orchestra


  1. WSO official website
  2. Orchestra Mondială a Medicilor pe scena Ateneului Român; URL2
  3. "world doctors orchestra" Google search results

About the author of this Vixrapedia article[edit]

The author of this Vixrapedia article is Dr. Andrei-Lucian Drăgoi, who has has multiple user accounts/pages on:

Note. Dr. Drăgoi has also collaborated with DOEN as an amateur composer (see the premiere with DOEN from April 2015 , a week before the Orthodox Easter 2015, at the Romanian Athenaeum with the orchestral miniature for strings and oboe called "Via Crucis": Youtube-URL1 and Youtube-URL2, SMP-URL3, SMP-URL4), but also as an amateur violinist and violist.

The list of Vixrapedia pages created by dr. Andrei-Lucian Drăgoi (in the chronological order of release)[edit]

  1. The "Vertical" (generalization of) the binary Goldbach Conjecture (VBGC) (versiune în limba engleză/English version only)
  2. Robert Klenck (Romanian violinist and violin professor) (versiune în limba engleză)
  3. Robert Klenck (violonist și profesor de vioară) (versiune în limba română)
  4. The Doctors Orchestra "Ermil Nichifor" (Bucharest, Romania) (versiune în limba engleză)
  5. Orchestra Medicilor "dr. Ermil Nichifor" (București, România)] (versiune în limba română)